MONTEREY, CA 93942-0085
PHONE: (831) 658-5600  FAX: (831) 644-9560

Regular Meeting
Board of Directors
Monterey Peninsula Water Management District
November 19, 2001
6:00 PM - Closed Session - Monterey City Council Chambers
7:00 PM - Regular Meeting - Monterey City Council Chambers
Pacific and Madison, Monterey CA 93940

  • This agenda is subject to revision and may be amended prior to the scheduled meeting.  A final agenda will be posted at the District office at 5 Harris Court, Monterey,  72 hours prior to the meeting, and copies will be available at the Board meeting.  Staff notes regarding these agenda items will be available for public review on Thursday, November 15, 2001  through Monday, November 19, 2001 at the District office and at the Carmel, Carmel Valley, Monterey, Pacific Grove and Seaside libraries.
  • The next regular meeting of the Board of Directors is scheduled for December 17, 2001.

  • 6:00 PM – Closed Session
    Monterey City Council Chambers
    As permitted by Government Code Section 54954.5 et seq., the Board may adjourn to a closed or executive session to consider specific matters dealing with pending or threatened litigation, certain personnel matters, or certain property acquisition matters.



    7:00 PM – Regular Meeting
    Monterey City Council Chambers


    5. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Anyone wishing to address the Board on Consent Calendar, Informational Items, Staff Reports or matters not listed on the agenda may do so during Oral Communications. Please limit your comment to three minutes. The public may comment on Action and Public Hearing items at the time they are considered by the Board.

    7. CONSENT CALENDAR Routine items for which staff has prepared a recommendation. Approval of the Consent Calendar ratifies the staff recommendation. The public may address the Board on any Consent Calendar item during the Oral Communications portion of the meeting. Please limit your comments to three minutes.

      1. Consider Approval of Minutes from the Regular Meeting of October 15, 2001  (Click here to download the Wordperfect version) + (Exhibit A1  download)
      2. Consider Ratification of Agreements (Click here to download the Wordperfect version)
      3. Consider Adoption of Resolution of Appreciation for Ron Chesshire  (Click here to download the Wordperfect version)
      4. Consider Election of Rick Dickhaut to the Office of Treasurer to the Board of Directors  (Click here to download the Wordperfect version)
      5. Consider Expenditure of Funds for Laboratory Analysis and Supplies for Bio-Assessment Samples  (Click here to download the Wordperfect version)
      6. Consider Approval of First Quarter Investment Report  (Click here to download the Wordperfect version) + ( Exhibit F1 download Excel spreadsheet )
      7. Consider Reception of Independent Auditors' Report for Fiscal Year 2000-2001  (Click here to download the Wordperfect version)
      8. Consider Adoption of Treasurer's Report for September 2001  (Click here to download the Wordperfect version) + ( Exhibit H1 download Lotus spreadsheet)


      1. General Manager's Report
        1. Update on California-American Water Company Compliance with Water Production Limits Set by Order 95-10

      2. Attorney's Report

      4. Directors' Reports
        1. Board Comments and Referrals

      5. Present Resolution of Appreciation to Ron Chesshire

      1.  1. Consider Second Reading and Adoption of Ordinance No. 101 - An Ordinance of the Board of Directors of the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District Amending Water Use Credit Transfer Rules   



        (Click here to download the MS-Word version)  + ( Exhibit-1 Wordperfect download)   + ( Exhibit 2 jpg download)  + ( Exhibit 3 WordPerfect download)

        Action: The Board will consider the second reading and adoption of Draft Ordinance No. 101. The proposed ordinance modifies the current Water Use Credit transfer program and incorporates safeguards to prevent an increase of water use beyond the original projected water use at the receiving site. It also includes safeguards that ensure more reasonable estimates of water use capacity at the donor site. A modification has been proposed that would authorize the General Manager to make a determination on requests for Water Use Credit transfers. Public comment will be received on this item.

        2. Consider Extension of Water Credit Transfer Application Suspension Until Ordinance No. 101 is in Effect

        (Click here to download the MS-Word version)
        Action:The District presently has a suspension on the acceptance of applications until November 20, 2001 to allow time to update the program. The Board will consider extending the suspension of Water Use Credit transfer applications until such date as Ordinance No. 101 is in effect. Public comment will be received on this item.

      1. Consider Second Reading of Ordinance No. 99 - An Ordinance of the Board of Directors of the MPWMD Requiring Disclosure of Ex Parte Communications and Establishing Penalties and Remedies for Non-Disclosure 



        (Click here to download the Wordperfect version) + ( Exhibit-1 Wordperfect download)   + ( Exhibit 2 MS-WORD download)  + ( Exhibit 3 WordPerfect download) + ( Exhibit 4 WordPerfect download)

        Action: The Board will consider the second reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 99 which expands the current requirements for disclosure of ex parte communications between Directors and permit applicants and establishes penalties and remedies for non-disclosure. As proposed, the disclosure requirements would apply to all persons who communicate with a Director regarding a matter pending decision before the Board. Penalties for non-disclosure would include denial or revocation of permits. Public comment will be received on this item.
      1. Request for Consideration of Special Circumstances, District Rule 24-G - Forest Hill Manor - 551 Gibson Avenue, Pacific Grove - Paul Davis, Architect   

      2. (Click here to download the Wordperfect version)   + ( Exhibit-1 JPG Page1, page 2)   + ( Exhibit 2 jpg download)  + ( Exhibit 3 jpg page1, page2, page 3, page 4 download) + ( Exhibit 4 jpg download) + ( Exhibit 5 WordPerfect download)

        Action:The Board will determine if special circumstances exist for a proposed expansion of a senior living facility at 551 Gibson Street in Pacific Grove. The project will ozone-treat and recycle the water used for laundry and will use ozone-treated gray water for irrigation. If the Board determines that "special circumstances" exist, the project's water use will be monitored for a period of five years and be subject to several permit conditions. If actual water use is different than the projected amount, the permit will be adjusted to reflect the actual water use and the applicant required to comply with permit conditions. Public comment will be received on this item.

      1. Consider Authorization of Funds to Reimburse California-American Water Company for Distribution System Modifications for Water Year 2002 Injection Testing  

      2. (Click here to download the Wordperfect version)
          Action: The Board will consider authorization of funds to reimburse Cal-Am for costs associated with distribution system improvements that are needed to conduct expanded testing of the District's new test injection well during the upcoming winter recharge system. Public comment will be received on this item.
      3. Discussion and Information Regarding Appropriate Action to be Taken in Response to Request by Chris and Mary Currier for Service Within Former Water West Service Area - AP# 187-241-017, Country Club Drive, Carmel Valley

      4. (Click here to download the Wordperfect version)
        Action: The Currier's have requested that the Board allow them to receive water from a special reserve established for development in the former Water West water distribution system. Currently, Ordinance No. 70 limits the use of water from the special reserve to properties in the former Water West water distribution system that subdivided after July 1993. The Board will review options for responding to the Currier request and provide direction on any future action to be taken. Public comment will be received on this item.

    15. The public may address the Board on Informational Items and Staff Reports during the Oral Communications portion of the meeting. Please limit your comments to three minutes.
      1. Letters Received    or    (Click here to download the Wordperfect version)
      2. Committee Reports    (Click here to download the Wordperfect version)
      3. Strategic Plan Update   (Click here to download the Wordperfect version)
      4. Monthly Water Supply Project Report  (Click here to download the Wordperfect version)
      5. Carmel River Fishery Report   (Click here to download the Wordperfect version)
      6. Carmel River Erosion Protection and Restoration Report (Click here to download the Wordperfect version)
      7. Irrigation Program and Riparian Projects Report  (Click here to download the Wordperfect version)
      8. Water Conservation Program Report  (Click here to download the Wordperfect version)
      9. Water Credit Transfer Report  (Click here to download the Wordperfect version)
      10. Public Information Program  (Click here to download the Wordperfect version)
      11. Redistricting Committee Progress Report  (Click here to download the Wordperfect version)
      12. Monthly Cal-Am Sales Report (Click here to download the Wordperfect version)
      13. Monthly Cal-Am Production Report  (Click here to download the Wordperfect version)
      14. Monthly Allocation Report (Click here to download the Wordperfect version)
      15. Financial Report - CAWD/PBCSD Wastewater Reclamation Project     (Click here to download the Wordperfect version)
      16. Production Report - CAWD/PBCSD Wastewater Reclamation Project (Click here to download the Wordperfect version)
      17. Report on First Quarter Financial Activity  (Click here to download the Wordperfect version)
      18. November 2001 Water Supply Status Report  (Click here to download the Wordperfect version)  + ( Exhibit download)


    17.  Board of Directors
      General Manager

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