Governance Committee

for the

Monterey Peninsula Water Supply Project

California American Water / Monterey County Board of Supervisors

Monterey Peninsula Regional Water Authority / Monterey Peninsula Water Management District


This meeting has been noticed according to the Brown Act rules.  This agenda was posted on March 28, 2014.




Governance Committee Members:

California American Water

    Robert MacLean

Monterey Peninsula Regional Water Authority

    Jason Burnett, Chair

    Alt.-  Chuck Della Sala

County of Monterey

    David Potter

   Alt. - Simon Salinas

Monterey Peninsula Water Management District

    Bob Brower, Vice Chair

   Alt. – Jeanne Byrne




Staff Contact:

David J. Stoldt, MPWMD

Arlene Tavani, MPWMD



Monterey Peninsula Water Supply Project

Governance Committee


Monday, March 31, 2014, 1:30 PM

Monterey Peninsula Water Management District, Conference Room,
5 Harris Court, Building G., Monterey, CA




Call to Order/Roll Call



Pledge of Allegiance




Public Comments


Anyone wishing to address the Committee on matters not listed on the agenda that are within the subject jurisdiction of the Committee, may do so during Public Comments. The public may comment on any other items listed on the agenda at the time they are considered by the Committee. Please limit your comment to 3 (three) minutes.




Presentations – Public Comment will be Received



Report from California American Water on Bore Hole Investigations, Test Well Schedule and Overall Project Schedule

PowerPoint presented by Cal-Am at the meeting, see slides 1 - 15






Action Items – Public Comment will be Received



Develop Process for Procurement of Consultant to Conduct Value Engineering Analysis of CDM Desalination Project Designs



Action:  Section V., Category A.2 of the Governance Committee Agreement specifies that the Governance Committee shall make a recommendation to California American Water (Cal-Am) on selection of professional engineer to perform a value engineering analysis for the Desalination Project.  The Committee will consider adoption of a process for selection of a value engineer.







Receive Report from Cal-Am on Contingency Source Water Intake Locations and Develop Recommendation on Future Action regarding Source Water Intakes



Action:  The committee will receive a report from California American Water regarding progress on pursuit of contingency source water intake locations.  The committee will discuss the issue and may develop a recommendation on pursuit of a source water intake contingency.

PowerPoint presented by Cal-Am at the meeting, see slides 16 - 20




Discussion Items – Public Comment will be Received



Update on Development of Landfill Gas Term Sheet




Discussion of Items to be Placed on Future Agendas




Upon request, the Governance Committee will make a reasonable effort to provide written agenda materials in appropriate alternative formats, or disability-related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services, to enable individuals with disabilities to participate in public meetings.  Please submit a written request, including your name, mailing address, phone number and brief description of the requested materials and preferred alternative format or auxiliary aid or service by 5PM on Friday, March 28, 2014.  Requests should be sent to the Governance Committee Secretary MPWMD, P.O. Box 85, Monterey, CA, 93942.  You may also fax your request to 831-644-9560, or call 831-658-5600.


After staff reports have been distributed, if additional documents are produced and provided to the Governance Committee regarding any item on the agenda, they will be made available at, 5 Harris Court, Building G, Monterey, CA during normal business hours.  In addition, such documents may be posted on the MPWMD website at Documents distributed at the meeting will be made available in the same manner.


